Exposing my Heart

“You can’t get to courage without rumbling with vulnerability. Embrace the suck.” – Dr. Brené Brown, Dare to Lead.

Last week, I officially launched my website and business, True Presence Horse Sense, offering coaching, equine facilitated learning, presentations and workshops. After an intensive apprenticeship with Linda Kohanov, I am now stepping into my role as an Eponaquest Instructor. It has been transformational, inspirational and an incredible feeling to step into these new sneakers and start running. It’s also been one heck of a ride on the vulnerability train.

Loving working with my four-legged friend, Flurry.

The act of coaching, facilitating, and even speaking in public is not the issue. Of course, there are always humbling moments and opportunities to learn, but I have become increasingly comfortable with those roles. Where I have had to deeply “embrace the suck” as Brené so aptly puts it, is the public announcement that this is happening.

As a farrier, I’ve witnessed and have been part of many situations with horses that make me cringe. Most of my clients are amazing, treating their horses fairly, with respect and dignity, but there is also a darker side of the horse world that emerges more often than I would like. On several occasions, I have been encouraged by owners to beat their horses for what is perceived as bad behaviour. This is a complex and challenging topic – they are large animals and safety needs to be a number one priority for everyone involved. That being said, physical violence does not have to be the solution. I have become increasingly outspoken about it over my career, but launching this new venture seems to make my views way more obvious.

Atticus, a member of my incredible herd, loves being obvious – he holds nothing back.

The gift of all of this “suck” is that I honestly believe I am becoming part of the solution. I am so excited to offer more peaceful and simultaneously empowered responses to challenges – not just with horses, but with people too. My own human relationships have been shifting, becoming more productive, fulfilling and connected as I continue to integrate this work into my life.

Another huge area of impact has very little to do with me. Grace, my wise, powerful and gentle horse, is a trauma survivor. She carries a heavy piece of armour over her horse heart when meeting new people. Each client who she works with in this mutually respectful, conscious horsemanship way, continues to build her trust in our species and the world in general. It is an absolute pleasure watching her interact with other people and really step into an empowered facilitator role herself.

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Grace – noble, wise and bravely sharing her gifts.

Beginning something new, challenging our current beliefs and patterns in order to grow, and exposing our true selves will always have an element of “suck”, but this truly is the birth place of courage.

Grace and I are conquering our vulnerability together to embrace living life courageously and wholeheartedly. It is so worth it.

Being wholeheartedly brave together.

How have you leaned into vulnerability?

Check out my new website!

This is part of a continuing story, click here to start from the beginning.

I post every second Tuesday, SUBSCRIBE to receive the next post.

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8 Replies to “Exposing my Heart”

  1. Carmen, you are embarking on a wonderful journey that will ultimately make life better for others – horses and people alike. I am so glad to see that others approach relationships in the way in which I strongly believe and have always advocated. As a teacher, a principal and an animal owner, respect and partnership have always been my priority when relating to others. Thank you for sharing this message!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So very grateful and happy that you have followed your heart and started True Presence Horse Sense! I have no doubt that you will be exceptional at facilitating the soul altering lessons that humans can have with horses. Love the website!! Big smiles and a happy heart go out to you…congrats😊:)

    Liked by 1 person

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