A Heart for Composition

Growing up as an only child, I often spent more time around adults than I did other kids. Many of our family’s friends became aunts and uncles to me – I loved it.

As a “grown up”, I have stayed connected to many of these greatly supportive figures in my life, and recently one set of non-blood-relatives came to my farm for a visit. What struck me the very first night is how little I knew my Uncle Ned. Yes, I have so many memories of him and good times had, but as a kid I hadn’t figured out how to ask good questions and listen.

Our first meal together at the farm was like getting to know a beloved stranger, and it was riveting. His stories made me gasp, laugh, and stay up way past my self-proclaimed bed time. It was a joy to discover more of someone I already cared for and see him through completely new lenses.

Luckily for us, Ned Bouhalassa also agreed to do an interview with me, and share some of his “horse heart” with us.

Ned is a Montreal-based composer of music for film and television. For the past 25 years, his music has been featured in a wide variety of projects broadcast on most major national and international television stations. Working with both acoustic and electronic instruments, Ned has composed soundtracks for dozens of films and series, and won several awards including a drama composition prize from SOCAN in 2015. He has been scoring the popular Quebec television drama, “O” for the past seven years. Check out his Sound Cloud page here.

Ned speaks about finding his passion, and the grit it takes to make that his career as well. He explains how important it is to support others in finding their own heart paths, and I can say with gratitude that he put this into practice with me.

Have listen to this shorter interview that packs a lot of punch. Enjoy.


Would you like to talk about your horse heart? Let me know.

This is part of a continuing story, click here to start from the beginning.

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5 Replies to “A Heart for Composition”

  1. Dear Carmen,

    Thanks so much for giving me an opportunity to share some of my experiences with your subscribers! I had much fun doing the interview with you. I’m honoured and hope that it helps a few who may be on the fence about following their dream.

    Wishing you much success with the blog and your amazing horse coaching project!!



    ______________________________ music: soundcloud.com/ned-bouhalassa webpage: youshootiscore.com


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